Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Tale of Descaler and the Spirinett

Once upon a time, there was a drain stopper who suffered greatly from the layers upon layers of minerals built up on it from hard water. The water would add to the thick coating day after day, never letting up. The poor drain stopped had been scrubbed and doused with every toxic chemical imaginable, but, alas, there was no relief! 

The sad little drain stopper thought that her blemishes would cause her whole sink to be disposed. This was very frustrating and she couldn't understand why it had to be this way. Why couldn't something save her? Then, one day, the poor abused drain stopper got sprayed with Norwex Descaler. This was something different! There were no toxic fumes and the stopper could feel the enzymes breaking down the buildup all around her rim. Next, the Norwex Spirinetts swooped in and went to work scrubbing off layer after layer. 

The little drain stopper could hardly believe it! The Descaler and Spirinett saved her from disposal and made her as shiny as new! Is there anything in your home needing to be rescued? 

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