Sunday, May 4, 2014

Laundry Solutions Part 1

Laundry. The bane of my existence. Your's too? So, I'm not alone. Not only is it time consuming and seemingly never ending, it is full of chemicals and fillers that are not contributing to our well being. More bad news about laundry? Yes! But, I'm also here to offer you some alternative solutions that will save your health and your budget.

Let's start with the bad news first.

Most laundry detergents are bulked up with fillers that can cause cloths to become dingy over time because they leave a residue on our "clean" clothes. This residue can be absorbed through the skin and can cause rashes, itching, sinus problems and other allergic reactions.

Now for the good news!

There are no fillers in NORWEX Ultra Power Plus Laundry Detergent! See the results of an easy test of putting just 1 tsp of Norwex UPP Detergent in water compared to 1 tsp of Tide. After 15 minutes, you can see which one is really free of fillers.

[ In the above picture, the clear mixture is the Norwex Detergent (after 15 minutes) and the cloudy is Tide.] 

Of course, you wonder about the cost. What if I told you that Norwex's Ultra Power Plus can also save you money?

Give it a try for your family! Better and safer cleaning and easier on the budget too!
Stay tuned for Laundry Solutions Part 2

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