Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Norwex Crystal Deoderant

Norwex is all about radically reducing chemicals in our lives. Sounds great. I can get on board with that. I can clean without chemicals using just microfiber. I can even get on board with using microfiber for cleaning my body with no soap. I especially love that I can shave without using shaving cream after exfoliating with the body cloths. But, each time I flipped through my catalog, I would glance at the words "Norwex Crystal Deoderant. Natural Protection" and continue flipping. I could get behind all these other ways of rethinking how I cleaned my home and my body, but I just couldn't conceive of not using antiperspirant/deodorant. Could I trade my chemicals for the chance of sweat and stink? Because, really, could this really work? I just couldn't chance it.

Well, let's look more closely at it. The website description says: "Made from natural crystallized mineral salts, Norwex Crystal Deodorant is hypoallergenic, non-staining and non-sticky. It does not contain harmful chemicals, oils, perfumes or emulsifiers. Your body is allowed to perspire naturally, yet the crystal salts inhibits the growth of bacteria, therefore preventing body odor." Ok...sounds alright except for that whole "allowed to perspire naturally" bit. That sounds gross and smelly. Hmmmm...not this time.

I FINALLY order one, just to have as a display at parties. But now I am getting questions about it, so I guess I am going to have to try it. I'm slightly skeptical but I have a weekend that I don't have to go anywhere, so I decide to try it. I have researched how to apply it because that is supposed to be key in the success. Here are the tips:

1) Only wet the crystal slightly...two drops of water should be enough.
2) Rub the crystal on your underarm until the crystal is totally dry. This may take you 30 seconds or so. You can't just do the quick swipe of traditional deodorants. You will know the crystal is dry because it will begin to stick on your skin instead of gliding smoothly when it is wet. The purpose is to get a thin coating of the salts from the crystal on your skin.

3) Re-wet and apply to other underarm.

Results, after applying for the first time, I went outside on a hot day to walk my friend's dog and spent some time on the lake beach (didn't go swimming). I did sweat but not to the extent that I would considering I did not have antiperspirant on. More than anything, I did not smell! Success! I have been using it for 4 days now and it is still working. The key is to follow the correct application and making sure you apply until the crystal is totally dry. I actually like the feel of it better since it is not a heavy coating of chemicals on my skin. It feels so much better and it doesn't get all over my clothes!

Now, I dare you! Give it a try! 

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